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Getting involved in a LifeGroup is a way to stay connected to the body of Christ throughout the week. There's a place just for you and we encourage you to find your fit in one of our LIfeGroups today! From Bible and book studies to sports and hobbies there's a fit for you!


Matthew 19:14 ESV but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
At GraceLife we offer specialized care for children of every age, from birth through 6th grade. Our teachers and volunteers have a long history of sharing the love of Jesus in a way that kids can enjoy and understand. The team understands just how valuable raising children to follow Jesus from the youngest age is on their lives and we want them to know just how much Jesus loves them! If you're interested in more details about KidsLife click the button below.

Living in Truth

LiT stands for Living in Truth, it's more than just a name, it's a challenge of how we are to live our lives. In John 14:6 Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life."  We take that to heart and know that Jesus is the only way to Heaven and we want to challenge our students in their walk with Christ, to always be developing. If you're just curious if Jesus is for you or if you've been in church your whole life and have a daily walk with Jesus, LiT will challenge you to Know Jesus, to Grow to be more like Him and to Show his love to the world around you.

LiT meets Wednesday Nights at 7pm and is open for students 6th grade through college.